Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Almost Out of Canada

Well, we moved from Weir's Beach up the east side of Vancouver Island to Ripple Rock RV Resort from Victoria. Most of the coast is fairly well populated. The interior and west coast of the island is sparsely populated.


      Campbell River wood carving.

The Canadian inside passage way narrows at Ripple Rock. In years past the ripple rock claimed many boats that tried to sail by it. In 1958 the rock was blown up so large ships could pass by. It was the largest man made explosion at the time other than atomic explosions. This is a vary beautiful view of the passage. The resort has a great overlook of the passage from the commons clubhouse for guest. If anyone is planning a camping trip to Vancouver Island Weir's Beach and Ripple rock are great places to spend some time. The area around Campbell River and Chemainus is great for site seeing especially the murals in Chemainus (40).


Where Ripple Rock once was.

We headed north up the coast of the island and camped at Port Hardy on the northern part of Vancouver Island. The facility we stayed at was not as nice as the others we have stayed at on Vancouver Island. The mountain site seeing was very enjoyable in the surrounding area. I did get some great photos here.
                                                                One of 40 murals artists have painted on building walls.

                                                          Northern Expedition ferry

On the 7th of June we boarded the ferry to Prince Rupert, B.C. after spending the night parked in line to board our vehicle on the ferry. We left Port Hardy at 8 AM and spent the next 15 hours sailing the passage way to Prince Rupert. We ate 3 meals on the ferry. We carried a lunch with so we bought breakfast and dinner on the Ferry.Were were able to spot 4 whales, a wolf and quite few bald eagles. We got to Prince Rupert about 10 PM and were in our campground and set up by 11 PM.     

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