Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Testing Skills

Richard, Charles and I went to Pathfinder yesterday to test our fishing skills before Richard and I head to Alaska with our wives. Charles is a part time guide on the lake and had told us the fishing was good.  Charles provided the boat and we didn't get on to the water until about 9:30 AM. Pathfinder is a rather large lake again as the drought seems to have ended and is almost full. some say that it will spill this year which it hasn't done for at least 10 years. Well, we had to do some looking and hunting for the fish and the correct lures. For a while I thought that Richard had lost his skills over the winter but finally things fell into place for him and he boated several fish. He caught the largest fish which weighed 3 lb 10 oz. We boated 16 fish between 2 lb 8 oz and 3 lb 10 oz.  There were 12 rainbows and 4 browns. We stopped fishing at3 PM.
Some of the rainbows.

Today I had to go to the doctor for a procedure to be done on my throat. I had to be put under at the doctor's surgical office for an endoscopy. Everything turned out the way it was supposed to and I am feeling fine.  I have lost a day of getting ready for our trip and now will be pressed to get the 300 plants placed in my garden but I will get it done! 

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